Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.

    31 year ago

    I’m the same and as someone who’s worked remotely for 10 years, my life was way too sedentary. I got a dog which helped as the guilt of not walking her is plenty of motivation to get out daily, but whilst it helps, it wasn’t exactly making me fit and healthy, just a bit LESS unhealthy.

    I discovered rock climbing 3 months ago though and my life is completely changed, all exercise and diet is done with my current project route in mind and after 3 months I’m already far healthier and stronger than I’ve ever been before.

    Phenomenal sport, as someone who HATES the gym I really recommend everyone tries it at least once. It’s as intense as any workout and 100x more fun.

      21 year ago

      You know, an irrational fear of heights stopped me when I tried it with a friend some years back. But since getting really into hiking, and doing so on some pretty steep trails, it was pointed out to me that my fear of heights is less acute than before we started.

      I’ll give it another shot. Maybe I can do it now.

        1 year ago

        Awesome, if heights are still an issue you could go bouldering instead, it’s just climbing with no ropes and only up to 4ish metres off the ground (above soft mats for landing on if you fall).

        It’s probably more popular than toprope (higher) climbing these days as its more accessible and can easily be done in groups of friends. Requires more strength and less endurance, but equally fun (more so for some people) as top roping.

        It’s probably a very good way to get over your fear though, just having to jump from 12m with a rope does take some willpower initially but I don’t even think about it anymore.